Mariamman Temple Trichy | Samayapuram

Samayapuram Mariamman Temple is one of the acclaimed temples of South India in terms of the predominant shrine for Goddess Shakthi. The deity is related with healing forces by the neighborhood tenants. Mahishasura Mardhini was the offspring of Demon king Ramba and Buffalo queen. He became intoxicated with pride, consequent on the boons granted to him for his long held penance. He rose against the devas and subdued them. The seven worlds dreaded to hear his name. Goddess Durga was called to save the Devas. She came down to Earth and fought with Magisha for nine days and killed him. She was hailed โ€˜Mahishasura Mardhiniโ€™ as a result. In order to mitigate the anger and to transform her frightful appearance, Mahishasura Mardhini decided to observe penance. She chose to do that in Srirangam. But the people and the temple priests at Srirangam were unable to bear the pulsating rage of Devi, begging her to move to a place not frequented by the people. Accordingly, Devi went on to Samayapuram on the banks of Cauvery. Calling herself โ€™Gowmariโ€™ Devi adorned herself, she sat under a neem tree with yellow clothes and concealed herself with flowers.

As the rage subsided after a very long time, people in the vicinity raised a temple and began to worship her. The name was later fondly changed as โ€˜Mariammanโ€™ in this temple offering blessings to all the people around. The construction of the temple dates back to the 18th century and was built by King Vijayaraya Chakravarti. Samayapuram is the symbol of indifineous rural culture of Tamil Nadu. There are a number of unique practices concerning the Mariamman temples. It is a practice of many devotees to donate the silver or steel impressions of human parts which got illness as an offering in a temple donation box, so that the Goddess will take care of that. Those suffering from measles for a long time, come here and stay here until cured, lit Maavilakku (a lamp made of rice flour and Jaggery paste with ghee). Many devotees, as a prayer commitment, stay here after cure from smallpox and serve the temple before leaving. It is one of the very few temples, able to see the presiding deity from the entrance itself and this temple is one among.

Samayapuram Temple Timings

The temple is open from 6 AM till 9 PM. โ€˜Thai Poosamโ€™ is a festival to watch for. It happens in the month of October for around 10 days.

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